Manage your Mountain Network affairs online at
Many membership-related matters can be arranged online via the Mountain Network app, or will soon be available online. You can also fill out the form below or email us at
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Online Registration
Do you want to register online so you no longer have to wait at the front desk? Click on this link.
Note: To register online for indoor climbing via this page, you must have a climbing proficiency certificate!
Membership/Multi-Entry Pass
The front desk at our location is the place to arrange your membership or multi-entry pass; this is (not yet) possible online. However, if you already have a membership with monthly payments and want to switch to an annual membership, please check this page and fill out the form.
Mountain Network App
Through our app, you can manage many tasks. You can read how it works here.
Requesting a Membership Freeze
You can request a freeze if you’re dealing with an injury. This takes effect immediately and initially lasts for one month. We may ask for a note from your physiotherapist or doctor. If you need to extend the freeze because your recovery takes longer, please contact our membership administration via If you’ve already paid for days during your freeze period, we’ll add them back to your membership once the freeze is lifted.
Students from the Eretribune can block their meals for up to 12 weeks per year. This request must be submitted no later than the Friday before the week you want to block. For example, if you want to block week 35, we must receive your form no later than Friday of week 34. The freeze always runs from Monday to Monday.
Canceling Your Membership
We’re sorry to hear you want to cancel your membership. Please note that there is a one-month notice period. For example, if you cancel on August 25th, your membership will end on September 25th. If you’re using a (summer) promotion, your membership can only end after the minimum contract period (with at least one month’s notice). An annual membership can only be terminated on its end date.
Do you want to change your membership or have any questions? Please email us at