Basic Course Climbing Adults (ITC)

Learn to climb independently in any climbing gym

  • The first step in your climbing career
  • Flexible course days
  • Get to know new climbing buddies
  • Free for membership holders!
  • No waiting time, start immediately and be able to complete the course in two weeks!

Locaties & Data

Free for members, if not a member you will pay €130,-
Lessons of 2 hours
max 9 participants
minimum 16 years of age, no experience necessary
Amsterdam, Nieuwegein, Heerenveen, Arnhem, Dordrecht, Noardwand Leeuwarden

With this basic course you will learn the basics of climbing like secure yourself and your partner, making the right knots and of course climbing techniques. After this course you can and may climb independently in all climbing gyms in the Netherlands.

During this course you will work on the basic skills you need to climb independently. It is usually possible to obtain your climbing certificate within at least 4 lessons. These 4 lessons must take place within 3 months. The instructor will indicate when you are ready for the practical exam. After you’ve passed your exam, you will receive an official climbing certificate from the NKBV. With this certificate you are able to climb independently in any climbing gym in the Netherlands!

Course moments

You determine your own pace at which you want to get started. Maybe you have an irregular work schedule, so you can join one week and not the next, but that is not a problem anymore! Below you will find the weekly course times per location:

Amsterdam Arnhem Dordrecht
Monday 19:00 – 21:00 Monday 20:00 – 22:00 Monday 19:00 – 21:00
Wednesday 19:00 – 21:00 Wednesday 19:30 – 21:30 Wednesday 19:00 – 21:00
Saturday 13:00 – 15:00 Saturday 14:30  16:30

Heerenveen Nieuwegein Noardwand
Wednesday 19:30 – 21:30 Monday 19:00 – 21:00 uur Tuesday 19:00 – 21:00
Wednesday 19:00 – 21:00 uur Thursday 19:00  – 21:00
Sunday 13:30 – 15:30

Option 1: Become a member

Become a Mountain Network member and follow the Basic Course, worth €130,- for free. You also immediately receive the following benefits:

  • Unlimited access to all climbing, bouldering and training facilities at the 7 Mountain Network locations
  • Free participation in Mountain Fit Training
  • 10% discount on the regular prices in the Mountain Shop
  • 10% discount on regular prices in our cafe (with the exception of Grand Café RijnBoulder)
  • Check all other benefits via this link.

Option 2: Strip card Basis Course

Don’t want to become a member immediately? Then purchase a 5-strip card for the basic course by following the steps below:

  • Register via this link (by registering online you will not become a member, but you will take the first step towards the course)
  • After your registration you will receive a confirmation by email. In this email you will also find the link and access details to the Mountain Network app. Download the app and login:
    • Watch the video below, follow all the steps and purchase a 5-strip card for €130,-.
  • After you have purchased the strip card you can reserve lessons. You can find the availability of the lessons in the app. Please note: Registration is only possible 2 weeks prior to the class.

If it doesn’t work, book now directly via this link. We can’t guarantee that the date you chose is still available.


You can make a reservation for the basic course in the Mountain Network app. Go to the reservation tab in the Mountain Network app and select the correct date. Click on the desired basic course moment that you want to participate in, and click on register. You will then receive a confirmation email of your registration.

What’s next?

After completing this course, the real work begins. Logically you will now be climbing a lot! If you followed the course with a strip card, you will receive one month of free membership from us with which you can come climb, boulder and exercise every day. You will also receive all other benefits of membership, check all benefits via this link. Also come and follow a Mountain Fit lesson, you can follow it for free during your trial month. Here you will get to know other climbers and together with a trainer, you will work on the basics of climbing up to approximately 6a grade. After this, you choose one of the entrance tickets that best suits your (climbing) wishes. Will you renew your membership during your trial membership or in two weeks afterwards? Then you also pay NO registration fee (worth €15,-).

*To apply for your climbing certificate, we share your first and last name, date of birth and email address with the NKBV. If you object to this; please send an email to


If you have any questions about this course, please contact  the location of your choice and we will be happy to provide you with answers to all your questions.

Neem contact op voor meer informatie

Mountain Network Amsterdam
+31 (0)88 123 68 35 of mail:
Mountain Network Arnhem
+31 (0)88 123 69 15 of mail:
Mountain Network Nieuwegein
+31 (0)88 123 69 10 of mail:
Mountain Network Dordrecht
+31 (0)88 123 68 40 of mail:
Mountain Network Heerenveen
+31 (0)88 123 68 30 of mail:
Mountain Network Arnhem Rijnboulder
+31 (0)88 123 68 50 of mail:
Mountain Network Noardwand Leeuwarden
+31 (0)88 123 68 60 of mail: